Mount Employer Brand

If employer branding consists of four stages, which stage are you currently stuck at? Is your basecamp on secure ground, or is at significant risk of a serious collapse during its first week? How about your intermediate peaks: are they spaced out enough in order for you to reach the summit?

Employer branding is often described in vague terms and presented as this huge entity, making it hard for people to know exactly where to start. This is a pain point we often hear from our clients.

As an employee branding strategist, I feel your pain when it comes to EB work. Employer branding strategy is often left to one person: a role that very few of us even have any formal training for. We’re expecting one person to have a solid grasp of a business’s commercials, its HR functions, its recruitment strategy, its marketing and comms, and then use all this vast knowledge to single-handedly drive employer branding across the entire organization. Not exactly an easy ask…

Rate your current employer brand maturity

At Finders Seekers, we’ve figured out a simple way to help our clients on their journey to nailing their EB strategy: rate your current employer brand maturity!

This is your EB work kick-off point. Find out where you are now to figure out what you need to start doing next.

You may currently be ‘in-between’ levels when it comes to some specific EB points, but overall you should get a pretty clear picture of whether you’re closer to the peak or the foot of the EB mountain.

The Many Levels of Employer Branding

The most important thing to understand is that there are many levels to this thing. It’s not exactly realistic or feasible to go from using no employer branding metrics to suddenly introducing 100% integrated and predictive metrics. Instead, you will have to tackle the different stages systematically to truly get ahead.

For example, you can’t just create a brand-new employee program in a week! You will need to conduct an employee survey, map out an an employer promise (EVP = employee value proposition), and design an EB content plan in line with your business strategy. These are all small steps towards a larger goal: reaching the next level.

Employer branding progress will be piecemeal and stressful if you try to do everything at once. You need to take it easy. Use our employer branding maturity guidelines to help you define your next steps and focus on them. Set milestones, measure, monitor, and optimize. Little by little, as if by magic, the clouds will start to part and you will be closer to the top of summit of Mount Employer Brand where an irresistible employer brand awaits you!

💡 Does your organization need employer branding marketing to attract IT and digital professionals?

If so get in touch: Vivi Brooke, Petra Erkkilä, and the rest of our EB team would love to help!


From Time Management to Time Leadership


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